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Algyuros is a metal organism featured in the TV series: Ultraman Gaia he appeared in episode 16. Algyuros, like Apatee, is a Metal Organism created by the Bringer of Extinction to bring destruction to Earth and humanity, but this time, Algyuros was made for another purpose: destroy the "Place of Agul", which also serves as Hiroya Fujimiya's power source.

After appearing from space in the form of huge metal spikes, Algyuros quickly formed himself and began to proceed to the "place". However, Ultraman Agul appeared to defend his sanctuary, but was quickly outmatched by Algyuros due to his shapeshifting abilities.

XIG began to attack the metal being, distracting him, while Agul began to attack with Liquidators, but many almost hit the XIG Fighters themselves. Soon Algyuros retreated. Later on, Algyuros reappeared and began to attack the "place" with his cannon. Agul was called upon once again, and the two fought to a standstill until Algyuros transformed into a copy of Ultraman Agul himself. As Algyuros transformed into Imitation Ultraman Agul, the real Ultra could only watch in shock. However, the fake imitator quickly deleted the pause by punching the Ultra in the face.

Publication Information

After suffering many blows, Gamu decided to call upon Gaia, but was halted by Agul. Suddenly, the giant of the ocean spun into the air and crashed upon the fake. Then he rained the imitation with many blows, but was halted when Algyuros launched Liquidators at him. Undeterred, Agul and the imitation had a duel of Photon Crushers. But Agul's was obviously more powerful and destroyed the fake easily.

Other media
  • Ultraman Fighting Evolution Rebirth
Imitation Ultraman Agul V2 is only a videogame character in Ultraman Fighting Evolution Rebirth.
  • Imitation Ultraman Agul V2
He appeared in Ultra Mode episode 7.



  • Algyuros
    • Origin : Star M91
    • Height : 52.5 m
    • Weight : 52,500 t
    • Punching :
    • Kicking :
    • Jump Height :
    • Running Speed :
    • Weakness :
    • Finisher :
    • Season : Ultraman Gaia
  • Algyuros uses exactly the same sound effects as Apatee, roar is an extremely low pitched Apatee roar. Apatee and Algyuros are monsters who possess color timers on them, Algyuros having one similar to Ultraman Agul. Their color timers serve no propose, grunts are a low pitch version of Ultraman Agul's, sinister smile as Imitation Agul mimics the smile of Zelganoid.
Powers and Weapons:
  • Shapeshifting Metal : Although his body is made of solid steel, Algyuros can still shapeshift at will.
    • Spikes : Algyuros can shapeshift his body into spikes, just like Apatee.
    • Blaster Cannon : Algyuros can shapeshift his right arm into a cannon.
    • Blade : Algyuros can shapeshift his left arm into a blade.
    • Imitation Ultraman Agul : Algyuros can shapeshift himself into a duplicate of Ultraman Agul with exactly the same ability at the same power level.
  • Resistance : Much like Apatee, Algyuros can resist weaker attacks such as liquidators.

Imitation Ultraman Agul

Fake Ultraman Agul and Phantom Ultraman Agul are the names of two different imitators of Aguls that appear in the Ultraman Gaia TV series.

Different Version:

Imitation Ultraman Agul (Algyuros Version)

Imitation Ultraman Agul (Algyuros Version)
  • Imitation Ultraman Agul (Algyuros Version)
    • Origin : Near Fujimiya Labs
    • Height : 50 m
    • Weight : 46,000 t
    • Punching :
    • Kicking :
    • Jump Height :
    • Running Speed :
    • Weakness :
    • Finisher :
    • Season : Ultraman Gaia
  • Once Algyuros and Ultraman Agul were in an arm lock Algyuros turned into the first Imitation Agul. The evil clone smiled and began to beat down the template and even firing the Liquidator on him. As Gamu about to transforms into Gaia, Agul halts him, as the battle is personally his and as Imitation Agul was about to use his version of the Photon Crusher, Agul used his and easily dominated the fake beam. Upon impact the first Imitation Agul was blown to pieces.


  • Imitation Agul can use Liquidators just like Ultraman Agul. However, his are considerably weaker.
Photon Crusher

Photon Crusher
  • Imitation Agul can use the Photon Crusher just like Ultraman Agul. However, it pales in comparison to the real one and is considerably weaker.
Agul Saber

Agul Saber
  • In the FER game, he can emit it's own version of Agul Blade. It is not known who's one is stronger
Blade Beam

Blade Beam
  • Imitation Agul, similar to the original Agul, can use Agul Saber to generate energy within it and blast it to the opponent.
Ultra Barrier

Ultra Barrier
  • When needed, Imitation Agul can create an energy shield that can block powerful attacks such as Ultraman Gaia V2's Photon Crusher.

Phantom Ultraman Agul

Phantom Ultraman Agul
  • Phantom Ultraman Agul
    • Origin : Queen Mezard's Super Dimension
    • Height : 50 m
    • Weight : 46,000 t
    • Punching :
    • Kicking :
    • Jump Height :
    • Running Speed :
    • Weakness :
    • Finisher :
    • Season : Ultraman Gaia
  • Phantom Ultraman Agul was a hallucination of V1 Ultraman Agul that served under Queen Mezard. He was also dubbed as "the wrath of the defeated kaiju".
  • Once Ultraman Gaia entered Mezard Queen's dimension, she used her illusion powers to create the second Imitation Agul.
  • The "Phantom Agul" came to being through a giant wall of flames and quickly attacked Ultraman Gaia.
  • Gaia, on the other hand, could not bear attacking an enemy that looked exactly like his friend and was quickly beaten down.
  • However, just as Phantom Agul was about to choke Gaia to death, a special missile fired by the XIG's Team Lightning destroyed Phantom Agul and Queen Mezard's Super Dimension.

Imitation Ultraman 80

Imitation Ultraman 80
  • Imitation Ultraman 80
    • Origin :
    • Height :
    • Weight :
    • Punching :
    • Kicking :
    • Jump Height :
    • Running Speed :
    • Weakness :
    • Finisher :
    • Appeareance : Appear alongside With Ultraman Boy
  • Imitation Ultraman 80 is a fake version of Ultraman 80 that appears alongside Ultraman Boy. However, not much to be known about him at this time.
Related Post : Source : wikipedia / ultra.wikia
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