Publication Information
- Host : Red Shadow Moon
- Japanese : レッドシャドームーン
- Type : Shadow Moon Army Leader
- Gender : Male
- HomeWorld : Earth (Main Timeline Continuity)
- Season : Kamen Rider Wizard
- First Appeareance : Kamen Rider 3D Battle
- Last Appeareance : Kamen Rider 3D Battle
- Number of Appeareance : 1 (Movie)
- Voice Actor : Masaki Terasoma (Battride War Genesis)
Red Shadow Moon is a red-colored version of Shadow Moon who leads the Shadow Moon Army while seeking out a mysterious spherical life form. He is then defeated by Kamen Riders Wizard, Fourze, OOO, and Double.
Video Game Appearances Red Shadow Moon is among the various villains that are featured in Kamen Rider Battle: Ganbarizing. Red Shadow Moon appears as a boss in Kamen Rider: Battride War Genesis. This form appeared in the final battle after the original Shadow Moon's corpse is revealed to be merging with the soul of Creation King.
S.I.C. Hero Saga story Kamen Rider Black RX: After 0.

- Red Shadow Moon's appearance bears similarities to that of the Creation King form assumed by the original Shadow Moon in the S.I.C. toyline.