The Three Kenma literally translates as "Fist Demon" are the opposing force to the Kensei, based at the Rinjū Mountain which the Rinjū Hall is built on. The three who composed this group were all originally human under the teachings of Brusa Ee along with the future Kensei.
But their opposing ideals of fear and rage as an ideal source of power, combined with Maku's grudge against their mentor, led to them mastering the Beast-Man Wicked Body Change that turned them into their current forms prior to murdering Brusa Ee and becoming founding masters of the Akugata itself, with a high need for mass amounts of Rinki as a result of their transformation and level of power. Losing the Geki-Rin Rebellion, the Kenma were killed by the Kensei using SouZyuTo after sacrificing their humanity in the process. Once their bodies were sealed away, the Kenma' souls were each sealed within a ring of the Kenma Bracelet created by the Kensei, which serves as a medium for the three to communicate with others at certain times.
Publication Information
- Demons : Three Fist Demons
- Japanese : 三拳魔
- Gender : Various
- HomeWorld : Earth
- Season : Juken Sentai Gekiranger
- Main View : Full Episod
But every 5,000 years, the Bracelet's power could be sealed if the item is brought to sacred grounds of Jūgenkyō. Miki attempted this task but Makirika's interference allowed the item to fall into Rio's possession, using it to speak to the Kenma. After obtaining the three final True Poison fangs from Braco, Rio began to resurrect the Kenma, starting with Kata, to train him.
Mere, fearing for Rio's sanity due to Kata's training, managed to revive Rageku for Rio to train from instead. Both Kata and Rageku have no intent to fight again and saw Rio and Mere as the ones to carry their legacy in their stead. Maku however, whose resurrection was much harder to perform as his heart was removed from his body, refused to retire and upon being revived, took over and declared a second Geki-Rin Rebellion with Rageku and Kata once more following Maku out of fear. In the end, all three are killed once again as Long had planned. However, as Jyan now possesses the Kenma' Bracelet, the three Kenma offer their aid, appearing to the Gekirangers in their original human forms, to master their fighting styles to end Long's evil once and far all.
Three Fist Demons Members
Sky Fist Demon Kata

Kata was impressed with Rio's ideals of power as absolute and success at reviving him. Upon his rebirth, Kata awards Rio by giving him training which would prove the right of the "lion cub" to lead the Rin Jū Hall. However, Kata's motto is "There is training in a battle to the death". Though Kata is defeated by Rio breaking out of his illusions, his life is spared as he approved of the youth as his student, teaching him the means to acquire Rinki from his malice and hatred. However, Kata's brutal training methods entices fear in Mere for Rio's well being. With Rageku resurrected, Kata gives her his blessing in training Rio before departing to Rinjū Mountain on stand by. Both he and Rageku intend to celebrate their student's victory over the Gekirangers' defeat by destroying the city, until they sense Rio's defeat by Super Geki Red. Kata vainly pleaded with the enraged Rio not to revive Maku, who beats him and Rageku up after his rebirth.
Publication Information
- Demons : Sky Fist Demon Kata
- Japanese : 空の拳魔カタ
- Height : 219 cm (61 m: giant)
- Weight : 95 kg (26.6 t: giant)
- Gender : Various
- HomeWorld : Earth
- Season : Juken Sentai Gekiranger
- Voice Actor : Rokurō Naya
- Main View : Full Episod
Hawk-Fist Ringi:
- Darkness Cannon : A special Ringi allows the user to place the opponent inside his/her mind to the most horrific moment of that person's life, taking in the depair of it to overpower the person.
- Hawk-Talon Total Change : A similar move to the Darkness Cannon that uses the person's own hatred against him, sometimes driving that person insane.
- Black Cannon : A Ringi that allows the user to probe the target's mind for knowledge.
- Hatred Bullet : Fires beam from his Gale Sword.
- Illusionary Death Prison : Genjutsu Secret Ringi that allows Kata to send his opponents to an illusionary dimension, using his image to force them to fight each other and hide himself.
Sea Fist Demon Rageku

Rageku is the second of the Kenma to be revived, with Mere's help, buried at the bottom of the deep-sea beyond light and sound. She instructs both Rio and Mere, teaching them to use their envy to become much more powerful. Both she and Kata intended to celebrate their student's victory over the Gekirangers' defeat by destroying the city, until they sensed Rio's defeat by Super Geki Red. Rageku vainly pleaded with the enraged Rio not to revive Maku, who beats her and Kata up after his rebirth. During the Jūgenkyō incident, Rageku uses her power to send the Gekirangers, Rio, and Mere back into the Edo era before incinerating the area in an attempt to destroy SaiDain. She later battled Geki Chopper and was nearly killed by him after he managed to overcome her defenses. Though she evaded death at the hands of the Gekirangers, she is eventually murdered by Long as Maku battles the Gekirangers; turned into a puddle of her former self upon realizing Long's true nature as he takes her broken staff as proof of her demise.
Publication Information
- Demons : Sea Fist Demon Rageku
- Japanese : 海の拳魔ラゲク
- Height : 202 cm (51 m: giant)
- Weight : 60 kg (16.8 t: giant)
- Gender : Various
- HomeWorld : Earth
- Season : Juken Sentai Gekiranger
- Voice Actor : Naoko Kouda
- Main View : Full Episod
Kamen Rider × Super Sentai : Super Hero Taisen
However, she revived in Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen, as a member of Dai-Zangyack. She is seen with Armadillo Orphnoch fighting Kamen Rider V3 in the first aerial attack scene, briefly seen fighting Bouken Black and ShinkenRed in the second aerial attack scene, and was last seen fighting the Kamen Rider Den-Os and Gekirangers.
Kamen Rider × Super Sentai × Space Sheriff : Super Hero Taisen Z
Rageku was part of an army of resurrected (mostly Super Sentai) monsters led by Space Raider after the revival of Madou Demon King Psycho. They proceeded to attack the gathering of Kamen Riders and Super Sentai, giving them a hard time, with Rageku attacking Yellow Buster. The heroes of recent years were in a pinch until the arrival of a force of Sentai and Rider reinforcements led by Akarenger and Kamen Rider Ichigo. The combined forces of superheroes were able to turn the tide against the Madou army. Rageku was engaged by Shinken Pink, allowing Yellow Buster to summon her Buster Machine. Beating the monsters back, the Sentai and Riders lined up and used their various finisher attacks to destroy the revived monsters.
Jelly-Fist Ringi
These Ringi are performed by Rageku:
- Net Seal Seizing : A Rinki-sealing poison that works by forcibly drawing Rinki from the user's body, transforming the Rinki into a reactive poison. Tends to be fatal if the victim has large amounts of Rinki.
- Time-Split Slash : This Ringi allows the user to show other persons events in the past.
- Time-Split Wave : Secret Ringi that sends the opponent back in past times.
Land Fist Demon Maku

He is even acknowledged by the Kensei as the most powerful Jūken user. In the past, he and Xia Fu were friends until their master, Brusa, picked Xia Fu as his successor. But learning that Xia Fu refused the honor as asked him to become the successor instead, Maku was infuriated for not being chosen by his own talents but by another. Since then, Maku vowed to become the strongest being on Earth, resulting with Maku meeting Long and then founding the Akugata which values his ideals as well as being the one responsible for Brusa's death. Though he was originally to become the Destroyer as Long planned, Maku's defeat in the Geki-Rin Rebellion ruined that as the Kenma's body was placed within the depths of Rinjū Hall behind a sealed door. But the door was unsealed when Rio attempted to resurrect him against Kata and Rageku's wishes. However, he learns that the final True Poison fang alone is not able to revive him as the Kensei removed Maku's heart, a ruby called the Ikigimo, literally "Life Organ") to make sure his resurrection would be impossible.
Publication Information
- Demons : Land Fist Demon Maku
- Japanese : 海の拳魔ラゲク
- Height : 202 cm (51 m: giant)
- Weight : 60 kg (16.8 t: giant)
- Gender : Various
- HomeWorld : Earth
- Season : Juken Sentai Gekiranger
- Voice Actor : Hidekatsu Shibata
- Main View : Full Episod
By accident, the item ended up in the possession of Alice Nanboku, labeled the "Ocean's Heart." Once Mere obtained the item, Rio places it back into Maku's body before resurrecting the Kenma successfully. But upon being revived, as the other Kenma feared, Maku expresses disgust with the changes that occurred while he was dead and overthrows the "brat", Rio, resuming his role as leader and declaring a new Geki-Rin Rebellion. But his arrogance at refusing to teach Rio eventually leads to Rio obtaining the Dorinki on his own and going to Jūgenkyō to perfect his power so he can destroy Maku.
However, Maku is aware of Rio's treason and where he is going, only to be halted by Long. Maku arrives at Jūgenkyō to kill Rio, only to be further enraged by Rio's disrespect for him in spite of their current differences in power. Both that and the Kenseis' scolding for his betrayal and flawed ideals resulted with Maku enlarging himself to kill them before the Gekirangers attempt to fight him in vain with Geki Fire, gaining the Kenma's attention with their disrespect to him. But the Kensei intervened so the Gekirangers can stop Rio from getting to SaiDain, all ending up being defeated and sealed into a boulder so Maku can siphon most of their life energy in the form of water droplets, drinking it after Kata's death to become even more powerful.
But Maku's obsession was his undoing when he goes after the Gekirangers to prove to Rio his superiorty once and for all after Rio proves able to match him blow for blow when from the power he gained from SaiDain's Beast Power Blossom. In the final battle, Maku fights SaiDaiOh to a standstill, only to be destroyed by SaiDaiGeki Fire while refusing to accept this defeat. His Rinki is transferred to Jyan by Rio in the finale, who utilizes it to merge both Gekiūken and Rinjūken styles together and unifying the two schools. Before entering battle, Maku says, "Rage is the power to dominate. Land Kenma, Rin Jū Bear-Ken's Maku!".
Related Post : Source : wikipedia / powerrangers.wikia