Illusion Ultraman Zero are illusions casted by the kaiju Galberos in order to kill the real Ultraman Zero.
Ultra Zero Fight
As Zero turned into StrongCorona mode and frees himself from the grasp of the Techtor Gear Dark and defeated EX Red King with Garnate Buster, he found himself in a white place and in the same size as Pigmon. While Zero was investagating he saw the gigantic Alien Bat Gurashie looking at Zero and disappear. After that, he saw the ghost of StrongCorona Mode and after a short fight, Zero use the Zero Sluggers to destroyed the ghosts, the ghosts disappear.
Publication Information
- Illusion : Illusion Ultraman Zero
- Japanese : 幻影ウルトラマンゼロ
- Illusion Creator : Galberos
- Season : Ultra Zero Fight
After a while,Pigmon sensing something was wrong, Zero fired out Emerium slash to the Ghost of Luna Miracle mode but it disappears. The two of them finally appears and defeat Zero. What Zero did not noticed was the ghosts were trying to kill Zero but he uses the sluggers and destroyed the ghosts and ending Galberos' illusion and the monster's life.
Illusion Form
LunaMiracle Zero

- LunaMiracle Zero
- Height : 49 m
- Weight : 35,000 t
- Origin : Galberos
- Abilities
- Teleportation : Ghost of Luna Miracle can teleport to his desired destinations.

- StrongCorona Zero
- Height : 49 m
- Weight : 35,000 t
- Origin : Galberos
- Abilities
- Emerium Slash : Ghosts of Strong Corona can fired out a Emerium Slash similar to Ultraman Zero's.
- Ultra Lance : The StrongCorona Zero ghost can turn his Ultimate Bracelet into an Ultra Lance for combat.
- Teleportation : Ghost of Strong Corona Mode can teleport to his desired destinations.