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Dark Zagi

Dark Zagi is a dark, evil, twisted, demonic clone of Ultraman Noa. He was created by a race of aliens known as The Visitors, who had hopes of creating there own protector after seeing the power Noa possessed. But something went wrong and Zagi turned on his creators, who in turn destroyed their home planet. Zagi then took an army of creatures known as Space Beasts and began a spree of universal destruction on any planet in his way.

He is the main antagonist of Ultraman Nexus. Zagi came into existance on the homeworld of the beings known to TLT as the Visitors, the jellyfish like race witnessed the awesome power of a being of light known as Ultraman Noa, an immortal force of good who had visited other planets to defend them against monsters.

Desiring a protector of their own, they went to work to create a duplicate of the great giant. However the end result was a horrid, dark and twisted mockery of Noa's form known as Dark Zagi. The dark giant forced his creators to destroy their homeworld in an attempt to destroy him, forcing his creators to flee to Earth. In the long years between his arrival on Earth and the destruction of his home world, his monster army, the Space Beasts terrorized the stars, facing numerous beings weilding the light of his template, Noa. Somehow he was defeated and his body seperated or destroyed leaving him little more than a floating sphere of dark energy, although he still commanded the Space Beast menace and even had the power to create other lesser dark Ultras, he himself could not take on his true form which was later fashioned into the construct known as Lethe.

Publication Information

Arriving in Colorado, where TLT, the Terrestrial Liberation Trust, was being formed with help from the newly arrived visitors, he possed a resident scientist and proceeded to slaughter the scientific team, all save a young girl, the child of two of the scientists, somehow knowing her destiny, his goal was to use that for his ultimate plan. Later on he called his favourite Space Beast to be the first to attack the people of Earth, called The One by military, it had the Ultra like ability to merge with another being which it used to absorb organisms to enhance it base form before being killed by Ultraman the Next; Noa's weakened form with the first Dunamist Maki Shunichi. As TLT was formed Zagi infitrated it as Mitsuhiko Ishibori, having erased all memories of his host's previous life.

Ultraman Nexus

For five years while TLT was creating the division called, Night Raiders, Zagi hid as Mitsuhiko manipulated the situation so that the power of Nexus could be strengthened to recreate his body. With the appearance of the second Dunamist he began his plans sending even more powerful Space Beasts and the dark giants Dark Faust, Dark Mephisto. By the time of the third Dunamist, Zagi was left with no Dark Giants of his own to command his monster legions so he backed them up with his own dark power. After displaying his power of the Dark Field G he would codename Unknown Hand, due to the fact the he never physically appeared as far as TLT knew.

Mitsuhiko Ishibori

The analyzer and tactician of the team and an expert in computers. Unknown to everyone, he is Dark Zagi in disguise. He made contact with the Night Watchers by in the form of Unknown Hand (It is described as the unlimited darkness which controlled the Dark Giants and Space Beasts behind the scenes). He has the ability to generate a Dark Field G and it can power up Space Beasts, and is the power indentified as Unknown Hand. In the end of the series, his identity was revealed as Dark Zagi, Mitsuhiko Ishibori of the Night Raiders.

Ultraman Ginga

Zagi (or at least another version of him) returned at the end of the Theater Special, having been summoned by Dark Lugiel to challenge Ginga. Appearing out of his signature Dark Field G, Zagi was met by Jean-Nine who challenged the Dark Giant. Zagi manhandled the robot fighter, nearly ripping off its head in a display of utter brutality before forcing it of line. It was only the timely appearance of Ginga that saved it. His Spark Doll was then recovered by Dark Lugiel and most likely held by him until his own defeat, after which all the spark dolls returned home.

Other media

Stage Shows

Ultraman Zero, Ultraman and All-Star Transcendence! Ultra League!


Dark Zagi

Dark Zagi
  • Dark Zagi
    • Height : 50 m
    • Weight : 55,000 t
    • HomeWorld : M80
  • Physical :
      Eyes : Unlike most Ultras and his template's, Zagi's eyes glowed bright red. It is assumed they had similar but lesser abilities to Noa.
    • Energy Core : Like his template, Zagi's equivalent to an Color Timer was the Energy Core. Unlike his giants', his was the same design as Noa's.
    • Ultra Armor : Like Noa, Zagi's body was covered in natural armor that appeared to be similar to Protectors. Despite being stronger than any of the other Ultras (Faust, Mephisto, Zwei and Nexus) it was clearly weaker than Noa's as Nexus in Junis and Junis Blue form were able to hurt him, while he was barely a challenge for Noa.
    • Arms : Zagi was physically stronger than any of the other Ultras save Noa, he was stronger than Nexus in Junis Mode who was known for being strong.
  • Dark Field G Deployment : Zagi can create a special type of dark field known as Dark Field G to do his bidding. He can use it to create a battlefield, transport Space Beasts or in human form to reflect attacks. He can use it regardless of his state. In the Extra Episode, he used this to enlarge a human-sized Bugbuzun Brood into giant. It appeared again in Ultraman Ginga as the dark vortex from which he appeared.
  • Mind Powers : Zagi has mental abilities of his own, like the visitors who made him, he could erase memories at his leisure as well as use the darkness in people's heart to control them, usually when they are hosting one of his Dark Giants. He can also show people images and illusions like he did to Mizorogi when he gave him back his memories
    • Prophecy : Like Noa, Zagi could possible predict future events. For example, he predicted that Nagi would become the fourth Deunamist.
  • Lightning Zagi : Zagi's basic Ultra Beam. Zagi can emit an extremely powerful beam of dark energy from his vertical left arm, with his right placed on the back of it. This beam rival's Ultraman Noa's in power, but is still not as strong. It is his strongest attack
  • Zagi Shot : Zagi can emit extremely powerful blasts of dark energy from his knuckles. These have an huge amount of force behind them and can be fired in rapid succession.
  • Gravity Zagi : Zagi can emit an extremely powerful beam of dark energy from his crossed arms. This has a large amount of force behind it. It is fired in a way similar to Ultraman Hikari's Hikari Light Stream.
  • Flash Travel : Zagi can encase himself in a large aura of energy to fly to any area he wants as a ball of blue light.
  • Zagi Reflection : Zagi can emit a purple barrier that can reflect energy attacks. It is a dark version of the Noa reflection.
  • Extraordinary Jumper : Zagi is able to jump to great heights with ease.
  • Dark Ultra Powers : As the creator of the Dark giants Faust and Mephisto, Zagi in theory posses all of their powers. He was stronger than any Ultra shown in the series save Ultraman Noa, being able to withstand all of Nexus' strongest attacks.
  • Space Beasts : These monsters, like the dark giants, are Zagi's minions, they can be created via his power and are under his total control. When Zagi appeared in person at the end of the series it caused the Space Beasts all over the world to go active and rampage. After his defeat it appeared the Space Beast, while still remaining, were no longer such a threat as before
  • Great Durability : Dark Zagi has great durability.
Techniques not used in the series:
  • Darkness Zagi : A dark version of the Shinning Noa creating a pulse of darkness.
  • Zagi Inferno : A dark version of the Noa Inferno using dark flames weaker than the original.
  • Zagi Spark : A dark version of the Noa Spark, is weaker than the original.
  • Zagi Blizzard : A dark version of the Noa Blizzard, is weaker than the original. Zagi freezes his opponent using a dark storm he summons.
  • Zagi Wave : A dark version of the Noa Wave which heals only Space Beasts.
  • Zagi Sight : A dark version of the Noa Sight.
  • Zagi Galaxy : Zagi's version of the Noa Galaxy using a dark wave.
  • Zagi Kick : A dark version of the Noa Kick, which uses energy waves to induce 'super gravity to empower the blow, is weaker than the original.
  • Zagi The Final : A dark version of the Noa the final, it turns all nearby light into darkness, because he lacked the Ultimate Aegis it is different from its light counterpart and has a different effect.
Techniques presented in Ultraman Ginga : Theater Special
  • Zagi Punch : A dark version of the Noa punch, which uses energy waves to induce 'super gravity to empower the blow, is weaker than the original. Seen used on Jean-nine.
  • Bullet Freeze (Name Unknown) : Zagi can freeze bullets projectiles in mid-air by raising his hand. Presumably this is some form of Ultra Will-power
  • Acceleration : Zagi can move at high speeds while surrounded by a dark aura.
  • Teleportation : Zagi can quickly teleport to any destination he desires.

Cyber Dark Zagi

Cyber Dark Zagi
  • Cyber Dark Zagi
    • Height : 50 m
    • Weight : 55,000 t
    • Origins : XIO Headquarters
    • Cyber Power : 21/25
  • Dark Zagi Cyber Cards are cards manufactured by XIO in Ultraman X. Daichi Ozora frequently uses them for Ultraman X to gain power/armor from various Kaiju, Seijin and Ultras. Created by the lab team in Xio's Research and Development section, the Cyber Cards contain Cyber Kaiju.

An official card of Dark Zagi

An official card of Dark Zagi

Dark Zagi Spark Doll

Dark Zagi Spark Doll
  • Dark Zagi Spark Doll
    • Height : 14 cm
    • Weight : 150 g
  • In Ultraman Ginga, Dark Lugiel appeared and turned every Ultra alongside their allies, monsters and aliens into Spark Dolls
  • Dark Zagi became a Spark Doll in the conclusion of the Dark Spark War due to the Darkness Spark's powers. His Spark doll was kept in Dark Lugiel's collection, and was DarkLived after Tyrant's defeat to stop Ginga. After defeating Jean-nine, Zagi was countered by Ultraman Ginga.
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Lethe Zagi in his human form, does not have a transformation device, he purely used Lethe. Lethe first absorbed Nexus's light and turned it into darkness. The darkness then transfered to Zagi's human form and restored him to his original body.

Related Post : Source : wikipedia / ultra.wikia
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