Publication Information
- Tiga : Kamila
- Japanese : カミーラ
- Version : Ultraman Tiga
- Spieces : Ancient Ultra
- Type : Dark Giant
- Known as :
- Relative :
- Affiliation : Dark Giant
- Origin : R'lyeh Island
- Season : Ultraman Tiga
- First Appearance : Ultraman Tiga : The Final Odyssey
- Last Appearances : New Century 2003 Ultraman Legend : THE KING'S JUBILEE
- Number of Appearances :
- 1 : Movie
- 1 : Special
- Potrayer : Miyoko Yoshimoto
- Suit Actor : Motoko Nagino
- Main View : Full Movie

Kamila, is the leader of the Three Dark Giants, Ultraman Tiga was one of her comrades, as well as her former lover, before he chose the light, with his Multi Type and Glitter forms being given to him by her powers. She has a power of darkness stronger than the other two dark giants, but it is weaker than Ultraman Tiga's dark power. The giantess that in eons past drove a wedge between the ranks of the Ultramen and Tiga Dark’s former lover, Camearra was a powerful and evil being. But the Dark Giants were defeated and Camearra’s love was spurned when Tiga turned his back on his former allies, allowing the trio of evil to be sealed away on an island for eons. R'lyeh Island, as it came to be known, was eventually brought to humanities attention when Camearra’s former lover, now reincarnated as the human Daigo, waged his final battle with Gatanothor took place at its shores.
Ultraman Tiga : The Final Odyssey
As the humans investigated its ruins, Commander Iruma detected the evil dwelling within, but the soldiers still broke open the age-old tomb. Iruma tried to stop the TPC members from reaching them but it was in vain and Camearra, Hudra, and Darramb awakened once more. As her subordinates ravaged the human intruders, they launched a group of Shibito Zoigers and try to leave the island but was stopped by Yuzare, who emerged from Iruma's comatose body. Unable to move from the island physically, Camearra reached out and contacted Daigo through his dreams. Alongside her comrades, she tormented Tiga's reincarnation Daigo and forced him to cooperate by giving him the Black Spark Lens. As Iruma tried to escape the island, Camearra stalked her through the tunnels, then blasted her with an energy bolt, revealing her sadistic want to not kill her now but allow her to suffer and blasted her again.
With Yuzare's barrier can last only for 100 years, Daigo soon headed out aboard the GUTS Wing to confront them, the rest of GUTS not far behind him. Arriving on R'lyeh, Daigo transforms into Tiga Dark and therefore cancelling the containment barrier for Zoigers to be freed. However, while he used the Black Spark Lens, Yuzare’s words once again bid him to use the power of Tiga for good instead of evil, but in the process, breaking the barrier and allowing darkness to spread over the world once again. Camearra tried one last time to regain her love, but he refused and she sent her followers to execute him while sending the Zoigers to attack the GUTS team in Artdessei.
In a similar way to the Black Spark Lens, Camearra press the button of her Spark Lens, summoning lightning bolts that unveiled her true form.
Dark Giant
Human Form

Similar to all Dark Giants, she can also create her own human form while using her own name on it.
- Dream Invasion : Kamila can invade the dreams of others, bringing her followers along with her. While in their dreams the trio can physically interact with the target.
- Ultra Physic : Even in human form, Kamila has several supernatural abilities, including the ability to fire electrical bolts she uses for torture and flight.
- Teleportation : Kamila is able to teleport in human form, she disappears in the blink of an eye.

- Ultra Form
- Origin : R'lyeh Island, Earth
- Version : Ultraman Tiga
- Type : Dark Giant
- Form : Ultra
- Height : 50 m
- Weight : 39,000 t
- Flight Speed : Mach 5
- Attack :
- Defense :
- Speed :
- Body Features :
- Light Crystal : Like Tiga, Camearra had a crystal on her forehead, but unlike it's normal use, it was used in conjunction with her dark powers.
- Color Timer : Like any other Ultras, Camearra also has color timer which has same function as others.
- Appearance : Tiga : The Final Odyssey
- Human Form : Camearra can also create her own human form similar to the other Dark Giants.
- Dark Powers : As an Ultra who was swayed to the darkness, Camearra is capable of manipulating darkness She also mentioned that it was among those stolen by Tiga Dark in the past as part of his transition to light.
- Demonic Change : Camearra can transform herself into Demonzour by calling on the lingering grudge of Gatanothor.
- Camearra Whip : Camearra can form a long whip of dark-light energy from her right hand to use effectively in combat, being able to strike her opponent multiple times at once with it.
- Aizord : Camearra can straighten the energy whip into a sharpened energy blade which she can use to stab opponents with.
- Physical
- Purokeatect : Camearra can use her bare hands, charged with energy, to deflect attacks.

- Demonzour
- Origin : R'lyeh Island, Earth
- Version : Ultraman Tiga
- Type : Gatanothor Hatred Demon
- Form : Demon
- Length : 888 m to infinity
- Weight : 880,000 t
- Attack :
- Defense :
- Appearance : Tiga : The Final Odyssey
Powers and Weapons
- Demon Feeler : Demonzour can extend tentacles from its body to ensnare targets and absorb them to her body.
- Demon Jaber : Demonzour can breath a stream of powerful dark-light energy needles from its mouth.
- Jab Rush : A concentrated version of Demon Jaber, fired in an energy beam manner.
- Main Article : Dark Giant