Hudra is one of three Dark Giants that appeared in Ultraman Tiga : The Final Odyssey. Subtitle:(Agile Warrior), Another of the group of evil Dark Giants, Hudra was immature and psychotic in nature, relishing his opponent’s suffering. However, when Tiga betrayed them, absorbing Hudra’s speed powers as he purified himself, Hudra was sealed away deep below the Earth in a prison of stone, as it was hoped they’d remain for all times.
But fate would deal cruel hand, as the final showdown with the sinister Gatanozoa would reveal the ancient tomb to mankind’s attention. Soon, Hudra and his allies awakened from their ancient slumber and began terrorizing the excavation site, Hudra taking great pleasure in the chaos and death he brought.
Afterwards, Hudra and Darramb plunged their fists into the walls of the cave, releasing a horde of Shibito-Zoyger on the humans.
However, Hudra’s psychotic passion for destruction would have to wait, as a spirit from the ancient civilization, Yuzare sealed the island under a field of light, stopping the evil forces within from escaping. Afterwards, the two males would continue to accompany their leader as she went about her evil work, both in human and Ultra form. Hudra and Darramb couldn’t handle their confinement much longer and tried to break free, only to be sent crashing to the ground. The duo accompanied their leader into Daigo’s dreams, allowing them to pummel the hero shortly before she gave him the Dark Spark Lens and the trio took their leave to wait for Daigo on Lulu Island. They didn’t wait long, and soon Daigo arrived, using the Dark Spark Lens and becoming Dark Tiga, breaking the barrier as Hudra and Darramb transformed to confront him.
Publication Information
- Dark Ultra : Hudra
- Japanese : ヒュドラ
- HomeWorld : Earth (Tiga Universe)
- Season : Ultraman Tiga
- First Appearance : Ultraman Tiga : The Final Odyssey
- Last Appearances Ultraman Tiga : The Final Odyssey
- Number of Appearances : 1 (Movies)
- Affiliation : Dark Tiga, Kamila, Darramb
- Potrayer : Tenmei Baba, Shunsuke Gondo (Suit Actor)
- Main View : Full Movies
He refused to join them and Hudra rushed to fight him, only to be cut off by Darramb, who wanted first go at the hero. However, Darramb underestimated the hero and was soon killed by Tiga’s Delacium Light Stream. After the hero escaped the Dark Water, Hudra quickly flew in and grabbed him, squeezing his scissor blade around his neck and dragging him into the Dark Dimension.
The two began to fight amongst the meteors, Hudra calling Tiga a traitor before unleashing his Dark Beam, Tiga barely escaping before the asteroid he was standing on exploded. As the two kept up their battle, Hudra sent Tiga plummeting to a meteor below and kept up his assault, Tiga having a hard time keeping up with the Dark Giant’s speed. However, Iruma managed to detonate a cache of explosions in the cave as Hudra charged his dark beam, blasting Tiga and Hudra out of the Dark Dimension.
Furious, Hudra fired his Dark Beam once again, scoring a direct hit. But as with Darramb, this would be his undoing, as Tiga began absorbing the attack and turning into Tiga Blast! Before Hudra could react, Tiga charged and fired the Ranbalt Light Bomb, striking Hudra in the chest and completely obliterating him.

- Hudra
- Height : 57 meters
- Weight : 52,000 tons
- Age : Over 30 Millions Years old
- Flight Speed : Mach 7
- Body Features :
- Color Timer: Like any Ultra Hudra has a color timer, it functions like any normal color timers.
- Protector : Covering Hudra's upper body, shoulders and face, is a special armor, the most durable parts of his anatomy.
- Forehead Crystal : Hudra has a crystal, but it is unknown whether he can type change or not.
- Dra Fork : Hudra has a blade on his right wrist that can open like a pair of scissors as his primary weapon.
- Janock : Hudra is able to do a Flying Dive Kick at Mach 7.
- Air Killing Method : Due to his tremendous speed, Hudra is capable of attacking his opponents while in midair.
- Super Speed : Hudra is incredibly fast, regardless of which form he’s in at the time.
- Valtester : Hudra can fire powerful blasts of energy and is able to fire in rapid succession.
- Hugust : Hudra can fire a powerful beam of dark-light energy from his blade capable of destroying huge meteors in one hit.
- Rumajon : Hudra can drag opponents into an alternate dimension consisting of spiked floating meteors to gain an advantage in combat.

- Super Speed:Hudra has super speed similar to his ultra form.He is the first to fight Daigo in human form.
- Transformation:Hudra maybe had his own spark lens, he can transform into his ultra form.